25/10/16 Domain-Umzug 04/02/10 HERBSTRADIO 02/01/08 #UPDATE: Freies Radio fuer Berlin 17/09/07 #including kandis 2007 #UPDATE: Zuerich links 07/02/07 #UPDATE: Zuerich links 28/09/06 #UPDATE: Zuerich links 13/02/06 #UPDATE: Zuerich links 29/04/05 #annex_v2.net.art #UPDATE: vieweratstar67@yahoo.com #UPDATE: Zuerich links 24/02/05 #including lastglam 26/05/04 #including zurich links and update berlin links 14/05/04 #including www.club-exchange.com link and banner 26/02/02 #including www.radiokampagne.de link and banner 10/02/00 #update london_link.htm 04/02/00 #including london_link.htm 24/01/00 #update homepage (old version: index__alt_2000-01-24.shtml) #including vieweratstar67@yahoo.html 01/12/99 #update homepage 27/11/99 2/2/2000 #update homepage (old version: index__alt_27-11-99.shtml) #including deep_kopie3.gif and art.gif link (http://www.rsub.com/flatness/) 22/11/99 #update link.htm #including pixelREMiX0023 and imperfectKOPIE01 14/09/99 #update vote program version 1.01 (including printf) 08/09/99 #netscape/explorer update 29/07/99 #domain deepwave.de is working (1s refresh to b-net.de/deepwave) #end of webcam test #new BGCOLOR=#ffffff, including a picture of deepwave 06/07/99 #including first vote program version 1.00 #update homepage; rename homepage (index.shtml) 30/06/99 #including this history file (history.txt) #registration of deepwave.de 29/06/99 #test of the Ernst-Reuter-Platz webcam (update rate 15 minutes) 29/06/99 #update homepage (index.htm), new layout with deepwave logo, color black and olive ( #737b5a, R73 G123 B90), the webOmat interface will be coming back soon (and the flickering tv screen too), the old homepage was rename in index_alt_29-6-99.htm #update link page (link.htm)